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Click Here for a Video Slide Sale Presentation
COMPLETE VINYL COMPOSITE TILE FACILITY CLOSURE! Featuring: Bulk Material Handling & Processing Equip.; Rubber Mills; Calendars; Cooling Beds; Shredders up to 400 HP; 3600-gpm BAC Cooling Tower System (2019); Late Mdl. Air Compressors; Packaging & Warehouse Equip; (20+) Late Mdl. Forklifts; Complete Machine Shop & Fab Shop; Huge Assortment of Allen Bradley & Cutler Hammer Motor Control Centers; Unprecedented Offering of MRO, Supplies & More!
Inspection Information
Inspection Start Date/Time
Inspection End Date/Time
Monday, September 12 * 9:00 a.m.
Monday, September 12 * 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, September 13 * 9:00 a.m.
Tuesday, September 13 * 4:00 p.m.
Removal Instructions
Terms & Conditions
[Mr. “Individual’s Name” representing “Company Name” is a customer of this bank. This bank will guarantee unqualified payment to Plant & Machinery, Inc. on the account listed herein up to the amount of $______. This letter is good until (insert expiration date 30 days from sale date).]
Additional PDFs
Removal Instructions
Inspection Information
Important Documents
Terms and Conditions
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